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Find out what your best colours are

Call me (Katie) on 0410 691 070

 no obligation chat about how you can find out your seasonal colouring


There are a lot of different colours in the world.  Almost an infinite amount, different shades of pink, warm, cool, bright, dusty, light, deep and so on.  And infinite gradations between them all. And this is the same for every colour.


You have probably had the experience of trying on a top or dress and either not liking the colour next to your skin, or really loving it.  Colour analysis is the process of finding out which of the millions of colours and shades really suit YOU. It takes the guess work out of colour selection.  After your colour analysis, you will know the colours that suit you the best and how to build them into fabulous outfits and make up choices. You will also receive a swatch of ‘your’ colours to use when shopping.  Your best colours make you look wonderful every day, even if you are not wearing make up. And you will learn how to avoid the colours that make you look old and tired and sick.

Private and group sessions available.

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Show person wearing great colours on them


One-on-one: A 2 hour session where we find your perfect colours

Cost: $449

If you have questions contact 

Call me (Katie) on 0410 691 070

or Email katie @


Some people just seem to have it, don’t they?  And when we don’t it can be quite disheartening.  We end up wearing the same tired things to work and dreading invitations to events that require us to try a new outfit or dress code.

But style can be learnt.  That is why you have whole countries of people who seem to have great style, they learn it when they are little from their adults and then as they mature they keep learning from those around them.

I think of style as being like a recipe, or the spokes on a bicycle.  There are many different elements in being stylish. There is the ability to combine clothes and accessories well, and to match them to your body type and colouring.  There is the ability to understand dress codes and how to be appropriate yet interesting. In a style session we will go through all the different elements of style, both the ones inherent to you, such as your body type, what you want to express with your clothes, and external factors such as your environment, including expectations at work, and the influence of fashion.

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Sow case a stylish lady


One-on-one: A 2 hour session where we work through your style preferences. Face to face or online.

Cost: $300

If you have questions contact 

Call me (Katie) on 0410 691 070

or Email katie @


In his famous novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis describes how Lucy got lost at the back of an old wardrobe.  I think the famous author may have been describing an increasingly common phenomena of the 20th and 21st centuries. We may not have fauns, Lions and Witches in our wardrobes, but for some of us we have whole other worlds in there, and if we were to do an archealogical dig you would find material decades old.

The problem with having a lot of unorganised stuff in your wardrobe is that it is hard to decide what to wear, to find the clothes that you want and to work out what you actually need to shop for, as opposed to the categories that are already well stocked. In a wardrobe edit we weed out the things that are not being worn, we restyle them if possible, we work out what items need to be bought to fill in wardrobe holes, and we make it easy to build outfits.  Depending upon the client, we reorganise so that items can be found more easily. Sometimes we throw a lot of stuff out, sometimes not. But at the end you will have a wardrobe that you are in control of and that suits your needs. You will find it easy to get dressed for your different needs and know what you might need to purchase or replace.

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Lady standing in wardrobe

Wardrobe Review

Us in the shop: I recommend a 2 hour session where we look through everything you have 

Online: I zoom, and we spend time going through your wardrobe

Cost: $150 per hour

If you have questions contact 

Call me (Katie) on 0410 691 070

or Email katie @


That is what I call a shopping session, as the world of retail can be a confusing wilderness, where you go hunting and hope to get lucky.  But if you know what suits you, what you like and what you need (both to suit your lifestyle and fill in wardrobe holes) then shopping can be an enjoyable and successful activity.  


I take people shopping for

  • Events – such as weddings, awards ceremonies, job interviews, graduations etc
  • New wardrobes – such as starting a new job or after losing/gaining weight
  • To fill in wardrobe holes
  • And for updates, as new styles come in and new seasons roll round.

I also take people shopping to show them the different styles and colours that could really work for them, often suggesting things that they had not tried before but now love.

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Friends on a shopping trip

Shopping Options

Us in the shop: I recommend a 2 hour session where we go together 

Me in the shop: I walk the shop beat and put aside at counter or just let you know which shops to go to and the item you will find

Online: I shop for you and have items sent to you to try on.

Cost: $150 per hour

If you have questions contact 

Call me (Katie) on 0410 691 070

or Email katie @